7 Foods to Never Feed Your Cat

Keeping a pet is a responsibility that is more than what it looks on the face of it. Some pets are easy to keep and some require extra care while petting them and feeding them. Domestic cats are the easier versions of pets that a person can keep. They look after themselves and even eat themselves if you place the food in a prescribed place. However, like any living thing, you need to need to be extremely careful while buying cat products online and indoor cat food from a store.

There are some foods that all types of cats enjoy. However, there are many foods that are not recommended for most cats. We look at top 7 foods or type of that you should never feed your cat. The list contains market items as well as things that you can feed them from your fridge or your eating table.

Raw Fish

Raw fish and tuna based cat food are harmful to cats as they can cause gastrointestinal problems for your cat. It can cause Thiamine deficiency in cats that can cause neurological issues in your cat which you would not want at all.


Cats love chewing on bones but you need to be careful as bone splinters can cause choking and also block the intestinal tract. It is better than you gave them kitten teething toys to chew on rather than an actual bone.

Milk and Other Dairy Products

We have grown up watching cartoons where cats run after milk. It is not true in fact as most cats are lactose intolerant and cannot process dairy products. It can result in digestive problems and diarrhea.


Some cats love to run grapes and eat them. This is a game that many cat owners play and treat grape as a reward for their cats but little do they know that it can cause vomiting and kidney failure. They should also be kept out of range of your cats.

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Your cats love to nibble and lick chocolates but it is like poison for cats. Theobromine is a toxic agent in chocolate that can cause abnormal seizures, tremors, heart rhythm and even death.

Dog Food

This is one thing that cats easily consume especially if you have cats and dogs both in the house. Regular dosage of dog food can cause severe malnutrition in the cat because it does not provide with all the necessary nutrients that a cat requires. Never replace cat food with dog food.

Too Many Treats

Treats for cats is something that is essential for its training. However, too much treat can lead to obesity and diabetes.

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