
The Soap Box
The Top Five Symptoms of Diabetes in Cats

The Top Five Symptoms of Diabetes in Cats

Top Five Symptoms Of Diabetes In Cats Animals are living beings that don’t communicate with humans (unless you are Dr. Doolittle). Therefore, many diseases remain undetected. In the case of cats, sometimes the indicators are so mild that humans fail to register the...

How to Keep Your Cat From Bolting Outside

How to Keep Your Cat From Bolting Outside

How To Keep Your Cat From Bolting Outside Cats live for an average of 15 years as per statistical data. However, the same data shows that the indoor cats who are allowed to go outside live for an average of only five years. Animals have a natural tendency to escape...

Make Your Cat Feel Special By Using Kitty Language

Make Your Cat Feel Special By Using Kitty Language

Make Your Cat Feel Special By Using Kitty Language Cats may not understand our language but they are extremely intelligent creatures. This means that they can understand our gestures and moods. They know when we are sleepy and when we are tired. They adapt their mood...

Three Helpful Tips for Curing Your Cat’s Hairballs

Three Helpful Tips for Curing Your Cat’s Hairballs

Three Helpful Tips for Curing Your Cat's Hairballs Cats with a plush coat or wavy hair are a sight to be seen walking in all their majesty inside your home. Some act as though they are a lion and your home, a jungle. However, with this beautiful sight comes a slight...

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